Definition of internet

The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that links millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals.

Evolution of the internet


ARPA – Advance Research Project Agency created by US Department of Defense

The network is called ARPANET

The network became functional in September 1969  

The original ARPANET consisted of 4 main computers located at:
qUniversity of California at Los Angeles
qUniversity of California at Santa Barbara
qThe Stanford Research Institute
qUniversity of Utah
Each computers served as a host on the network (today known as server)


Internet2 is not a new network (especially to replace the Internet)

It is a Research and Development (R&D) project

In developing technology to ensure that the Internet in the future can handle tomorrow’s applications.

Not-for-profit R&D project

Connects more than 200 universities and 115 companies via a high-speed private network
 Who controls the Internet?
qNo one - it is a public, cooperative and independent network
qSeveral organizations set standards

  An intranet ( intra means within) is an internal network that uses internet technologies.
  •Network which only available inside an organization or a company.

              •An extranet is the portion of a company’s network that allows customers or suppliers of a company to access parts of an enterprise’s intranet.

An extranet provides a secure, physical connection to the company’s network.
