Rules of Netiquette

Netiquette, or net etiquette, refers to etiquette on the Internet

Is the code of acceptable behaviours users should follow while on the Internet or online or cyberspace.

It is the conduct expected of individuals while online.

Rules for all aspects of the:
qWorld Wide Web
qInstant Messaging
qChat rooms

qNewsgroups & message board.                                             

When do these rules apply?

Anytime when you are using…
Chatting online 
Using email
Posting to a discussion
Playing online games   

  Areas of computer ethics

Definition of Computer Ethics:

The moral guidelines that govern the use of computers, mobile devices and
information systems.

Information Accuracy

One of the concern because many users access information
maintained by other people or companies, such as on the Internet.
Do not assume all the information on the Web is correct.
Users should evaluate the value of a Web page before relying on its

Be aware that the organization providing access to the information may
not be the creator of the information.

Green Computing

is the environmentally responsible and eco-friendly use of computers and
their resources. In broader terms, it is also defined as the study of
designing, manufacturing/engineering, using and disposing of computing
devices in a way that reduces their environmental impact.

Codes of Conduct

Written guideline that helps determine whether a specific action is
ethical/unethical or allowed/not allowed.

Information Privacy

The right of individuals and companies to deny or restrict the collection, use,
and dissemination of information about them.

Intellectual Property

Unique and original works such as ideas, inventions, literary
and artistic works, processes, names and logos.
Or, refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and
artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in
Intellectual property rights are the rights to which creators are
entitled for their work

A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a government
to an inventor or applicant for a limited amount of time (normally 20
years from the filing date).

Trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, design, combination of
letters or numbers, or other device that identifies and
distinguishes products and services in the marketplace

Protection provided to the authors of “original works”and
includes such things as literary, dramatic, musical,artistic, and
certain other intellectual creations, both published and
