Types of Website Portal W eb system that provides the functions and features to authenticate and identify the users P rovide them with an easy, intuitive, personalized and user-customizable web-interface for facilitating access to information Most portals offers these free services: Ø Search engine Ø News Ø Sports and weather Ø Web publishing Ø Reference tools such as yellow pages, maps, shopping, and e-mail and other communication services. • In organization, it is a system that provides versatile functions to catalogue or organize collections of different and multiple sources of information. • Have online communities . v Online community – a web site that joins a specific group of people with similar interests or relationships. v Examples – KMPh portal e-learning, AltaVista, AOL, Excite,, iGoogle , Lycos, MSN and Yahoo! Ø AltaVista Ø Excite Blog • A short for Weblog ...